How To Make Easy Passive Income 2023 ?

how to make easy passive income 2023?

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Passive income 2023-incredibly easy method that works for all

How to make easy passive income? The cost of living just continues to go up year in, year out. But let’s face it, our incomes aren’t necessarily growing in the same proportion. What happens these days is many of us need to take on 2 or 3 jobs just to be able to save up for the future. In fact, some people need to take on 2 to 3 jobs just to survive.

Unfortunately, all of us have been given the same number of hours every day — 24. If we take on extra jobs, guess what? Our 24 hours remain 24 hours and as such, time for rest and family are compromised.

While this level of dedication and diligence is most commendable, it is also not very common nowadays. This is exactly why you should look for alternate paths, where your hard work can be aimed at building a business of your own, thus making it finally pay off for you.

The fruits of your work should benefit you, and you first. 

Instead of investing countless hours into a dead-end job never destined to go too far, there is a way to earn more money without having to work more hours every day. Yes, there is. It’s called passive income.

Passive income is a lot like doing your homework as soon as you’re home. You will put in the work right away, but with the aim of having more time to relax later.

So are you ready? If you are, let’s begin breaking down step by step everything you need to build your first passive income from scratch.In this article, I’m going to answer all these questions about the passive Income stream.

  • What is Passive Income?
  • Active income vs Passive income  
  • How to build passive income from scratch?
  • What is the advantage of passive Income ?
  • What is the best way of earning Passive Income?

What is Passive income ? 

Passive income simply means you make your money or resources work for you. Passive income, at the core, allows you earn much money without doing much work. While it may require a bit of effort and time at the beginning, that won’t be the case once your passive income system is up and running. You’ll be working less and earning more.

Although making a breakthrough and establishing a successful passive income business may be a demanding task, at first, it will certainly pay off later. Freedom, independence and an all but full control of your own time are some of the perks of this kind of business venture.Granted, the first steps towards your passive income system will require work, sometimes even hard work, but the end goal makes it all worthwhile. 

One way of looking at it would be this: within a year’s time, with consistent effort, you may be well on your road to both freedom and security.Needless to mention, many people work an entire lifetime towards this goal, only to achieve it at old age.

There are different types of content that you can create for your audiences like informational, educational , product reviews, and more. The important thing is that you should have ideas on how to make a content monetization plan to make easy passive income with your content.

For example, You have created a useful travel blog for your target audience and it attracts a good amount of organic traffic. It is very simple for you to monetize a blog with high traffic with options like Google AdSense and Affiliate Marketing and also SEO tools.

Active income vs Passive income  

Active income refers to income received for performing a service. Wages, tips, salaries, fees ,commissions and allowances from the companies you provide services are examples of active income. An active source of income necessitates a person’s actual presence and material involvement. In this system, there will be no income if there is no active engagement. 

Difference between active income and passive income

 Active Income

  • Active income is the salary you earn from being employed. 
  • It is the professional fee you earn for rendering consultancy services. 
  • Provides funds for passive income
  • With an active income job the work begins after you become involved in the process.
  • It is more reliable and faster than passive income. 

Passive Income 

  • Passive income is one that you earn without doing much work or working significantly less, i.e., while being “passive”. 
  • Passive income is interest in your bank deposits or investments in Treasury bills.
  • it requires little work or none at all.
  • Passive income, most of the work comes at the start while you’re still building the business.
  • Your time is your own. You don’t have to report to anyone else, and you’re not dependent on anyone for a raise in pay.
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Whether it is active income or passive income, the two choices develop in opposite directions as you can see, but they both serve to reach the same goal — making money.

The key advantage in favor of passive income is that with some effort and ideas, you can end up earning more, or even much more than you would in an average, regular job. At the very least, you should reach the point where your income is equal to that of an average job, but you will still be working significantly less!

Best way to build passive income

Earning money online without paying anything isn’t instant. In fact, it may seem ironic but it actually requires a lot of hard work. But this hard work is mostly confined at the beginning and once the system’s up and running, you’ll hardly ever need to work, especially if you let other people manage it for you. So without pre- empty the discussion, I present to you the passive income formula.

  • Creation & Research 
  • Experimentation
  • Elimination and Addition
  • Delegation
  • Automation

1#. Creation & Research

Create passive income, you need to have the materials you need to build it with — a system.This is where most if not all the hard work, time and resources are very much needed. It’s because this is the foundation. 

Have you ever seen a building being constructed? Probably 65% of the time spent on constructing one is spent on the foundations. In fact, it’s the reason why we think buildings are relatively fast to build — the construction of everything else above the foundation is quick once a solid foundation is in place, which takes time.

It’s the same with your online passive income systems. You need to set up the right systems and set them right if you are consistently earn passive income. You can’t squeeze blood from the air and as such, you’ll need to create something — a product or service to sell.

For beginners, the best way to successfully adapt is through market study and tons of research ,so you can know the subject thoroughly ,as information is power .

Research is a very essential part of anything you are going to implement so that you have enough knowledge before implementing anything. Once you know any field you can see both sides of a coin ,your next step would be to experiment.–Give A Try 

2#. Experimentation

Given that you’re new at this, you’ll find that you don’t know everything perfectly — or well at all! You will also need to take risks and experiment — see what works. The key here is not to eliminate risks — that’s impossible — but to manage them well. Experiment well by taking well-calculated risks and you’ll be able to fine-tune what you’ve created so that it can consistently generate money for you. 

Obviously, this is where information and awareness come into play and do their part to minimalise the likelihood of failure. If you exercise due caution, the experimentation will be harmless; you’ll get to adjust your business with minimal to no risk.

For beginners you have an opportunity to explore any field you want. My opinion for you is to go for any source of passive income, you should not just try only one of the passive income fields, you should go for many.

After trying out a few different things and seeing a few results — good or bad — things should begin coming into focus. At this stage, certain options will start to look better than others, and you should have a much better idea of your choices and opportunities to seize.

Remain thorough when inspecting the pros and cons of each prospect. An attractive advantage in one place shouldn’t draw you there if there’s also an underlying catch.

3#.Elimination and Addition

Through experimentation, you’ll discover what works and what doesn’t. You’ll also see what else you need to add. At this point, you’ll need to eliminate those things that not only don’t work but are keeping your passive online system from taking off and running like a well-oiled machine.

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Your efforts to shape the most profitable means of passive income should also make apparent what it is that you need to add into the mix. If a certain approach is a no-go, further experimentation is sure to show you the way.

In the case you’re really hung up on an idea and don’t want to give up that easily, sure, try out a few different approaches and adjustments with it. But you have to know that some models are just not feasible, and that’s okay.


Not everyone is a techno-geek. Chances are, you aren’t either. There will be times that you will need to delegate tasks and responsibilities to other people so you can concentrate on what’s more important in terms of running your online.

You can spend a month trying to figure out how to shoot a good video course ,how to make a blog, how to set up a website and how to start a podcast The good is by delegating, you’ll also get to leverage other people’s expertise.


This is the fun part. When you’ve set your system up very well and have delegated the tasks to key people, you can use technology to automate the rest of the processes — if not the whole process — and have more time for more important things in life like family, friends or watching your favorite  Netflix movies

There are a lot of ways to go about automating many aspects of a huge variety of endeavors you may be undertaking along your way. Whether 

you’re dealing in affiliate marketing, all kinds of sales or managing your website(s) all have .All those ideas have different benefits for your passive income results. Later on, as we go through the many means of passive income benefits. 

Benefits of passive income 

There are so many passive income benefits of it which you can only get to know when you enter in any of the fields to generate passive income. 

The key advantage in favor of passive income is that with some effort and ideas, you can end up earning more , or even much more than you would in an average, regular job. At the very least, you should reach the point where your income is equal to that of an average job, but you will still be working significantly less.In this article I am going to list some of the major benefits of passive income :

1#. Financial Stability 

It helps you to achieve financial stability with regular and long-term income with minimal work. When you have money, you can count on earning money without having to work for it. That means that you’re able to achieve financial stability much faster because you know you have a financial safety cushion.

You can use your active income for expenses and needs while your passive income can be utilized for your desires like travel around the world.

2#. You Can Meet Your Goals More Easily

We all have some personal and professional goals in our life that we want to accomplish such as a car, house, or tuition payment. It could be anything else, but there is one thing that is common in the goals of all of us. Do you know – what is that common and important thing?

It is money and income because it is the ultimate source that helps you to accomplish your goals easily. 

3#. You have More Freedom of Time

When you rely heavily on your 9-5 job, it’s tough for you to take time off work to pursue your passions. Instead, you’re forced to work long hours to make sure that your salary is consistent.

When you have passive income, however, all that changes. Suddenly, it’s much easier for you to take time off to follow your dreams and achieve them. 

It gives you more Freedom of time to do anything. It is not like you have to complete your working time before going to the things that you enjoy and like to do.

#4.  You can enjoy a Better Life

Everyone wants a peaceful and happy life, however, it is difficult to get one in a time of high competition. However, growing your Passive Income sources ensure that you can achieve this goal in your life. 

Read also :   Make your computer generate passive income

You will have time to spend with your family and your loved ones, your friends and help financially people around you if you want too. With your passive income business you are not going to take anyone’s order every time.

5#. You can live where you like

Have you ever thought about how magical it would be to lounge on a beach and still make money? After all, we see famous influencers doing it all the time!

When you don’t have to constantly be at work, you can start traveling the world and still earning money. it gives you the freedom to work and live where you like.

#6. You can have Multiple Streams of Income

You can create multiple streams or sources of income & money with passive Income because it offers many earning opportunities.For example start a travel blog, it provides multiple opportunities to earn money and travel around the world.

You need to create useful travel content for your audience and offer affiliate products & services on your website. Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, and Banners advertising are the methods that you can use on your blog to earn passive income.

#7. Work for your Growth

it makes you financially stable and provides you growth. You can work for your personal and financial growth with Passive Income because it gives you freedom and time. Thus, it is important to grow passive income so that you can find more useful ideas to make more money.

Personal growth also helps you to improve your productivity and gives opportunities to grow your income with new ideas.

FAQ on how to make easy passive income

What is the easiest form of passive income?

One of the easiest forms of passive income is through rental properties. With rental properties, you can purchase a property and use it to collect rental income from tenants. This is a great way to earn money, as you are not actively working to bring in the income, but rather using the asset to generate returns. 

Another easy form of passive income is through dividend investing. With dividend investing, you can buy stocks or mutual funds that pay out regular dividends. This is a simple way to generate passive income without having to do any active work. 

Finally, you can also invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs) which are investments in real estate that generate money. REITs are a great way to get exposure to real estate without having to manage properties directly.

What is the most profitable passive income?

The most profitable passive income is any income that is generated with minimal effort and cost. Generally speaking, passive income is generated from investments that produce a steady stream of revenue over time, such as dividend stocks, real estate, or online businesses.

Dividend stocks can be especially profitable, as investors can receive a portion of the company’s profits without having to actively manage the investment. Real estate investing is another popular option, as rental properties can generate steady cash flow with little effort. 

Finally, online businesses can also be incredibly profitable sources to earn money, as they require minimal upfront costs and can be managed from anywhere in the world. Ultimately, the most profitable passive income will depend on an individual’s specific goals and financial situation.

Final Thoughts

There are multiple methods available to earn money for beginners, however, you need to have an initial fund.With all these benefits of earning a passive income, it’s no wonder they’re a popular option for people wanting to make some extra money. They let you enjoy a simpler, more comfortable lifestyle without added stress!

It is time taking work to develop multiple sources of passive income  and run them for the long term. But, it is an investment that is worth doing because passive income gives more return and money in the long term.

You have your money at work, money is making money for you. You have to put less effort in working hard and get some relaxed life and you will be less stressed as you have multiple sources of income.


Source: you can also check another best way to generate income as teenagers or college students.
